Inlays & Onlays
With modern dental materials, the dentists at our office can provide the strength of a dental crown, with an even more conservative restoration. Inlays and onlays replicate the natural contours of teeth.
For teeth with minor areas of decay, your doctor can remove the infected area and replace it with a beautiful, tooth-colored porcelain. These restorations are inlays or onlays—and they replace the chewing surface of teeth without gold or silver showing.
Advantages of inlays and onlays:
- Minimal tooth reduction
- They provide incredible strength
- Flawless aesthetics—they blend right in!
Once our patients recognize the cosmetic appearance and ease of this restoration, they appreciate it right away. See how this procedure can help your smile stay strong and beautiful, in just two dental appointments. Call our local dental office about tooth-colored inlays and onlays today!
Ready to get started?
Request an appointment with a dentist today.